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Dental Deserts - on our doorstep

Dentistry in the UK needs to change drastically to provide accessible affordable care.

Time off work for dental issues can be prevented by having the right care in place for your workforce. Protecting employees from long travel times, anxiety and high claims costs. Companies are more in tune with wellbeing and are now demanding better benefits to suit employee needs. Wellbeing strategies are crucial to ensure employees are listened to, and companies are aligning benefits accordingly.

Two-fifths of employees had to take off work due to dental emergency in the last year *according to the latest simply health consumer oral health survey. Estimated to be at least 1 working day This could cost employers £30,00 *Calculated at £10 per hour, on a single 7.5 hour working day, per ten thousand employees.

1 million days are missed off work annually due to dental problems. The emphasis on greater dental care is in the news daily, with significant problems with access continuing to grow.

Across the UK, millions of people are struggling to access a dentist. Such is the crisis in NHS dentistry, that ‘dental deserts’ have emerged across the UK, particularly in rural and coastal areas, where there is almost no chance of ever accessing an NHS dentist for routine care.

Toothfairy is a unique solution in the UK market offering a digital service, 25 UK clinics for referrals and Toothfairy 360 offering an insurance payout for emergency accidents or injuries. We provide access virtually in the first instance, referral clinics for any work required and an insurance product for accident, injury and emergencies. Providing a fully rounded product for your employees without significant insurance increases. Below are some interesting stats about dental care and the increasing demand for dental solutions outside of the normal nhs, private or insured policies.

  • 20% of UK adults are not visiting the dentist regularly [1]

  • 47% of adults in the UK have had an emergency appointment for themselves or their dependents in the last 12 months [1]

[1] Simply Health 2022 Survey, reported online


Toothfairy, 22 Harley Street, London, United Kingdom




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